West Virginia Wrestling

Rule Changes for 2003-04

Compiled by Dr. Bill Welker, WVSSAC Wrestling Rules Interpreter

1-3-2c: A wrestler must have 50% of his weigh-ins at his minimum certified weight to compete in that weight class at regionals and states.

4-2-4: An on-site physician can overrule the diagnosis of the physician who has indicated in writing that a skin condition is not communicable.

5-2-5i: If a two-point near-fall is earned, or three-point near-fall is earned, and the defensive commits an illegal act(s), the offensive wrestler will earn two or more additional points -- one for stopping the match and one or more for committing an infraction(s).

6-6-4: The time frame for correcting computation of match or team score is now 30 minutes, not 48 hrs.

8-2-5: A physician or medical staff can determine whether a wrestler can continue, even if the wrestler was not rendered unconscious, and shall not be overruled.

9-1-7: If a wrestler "rides out" his opponent during the 30-second tiebreaker, he will earn one additional point.

9-2-2f: In any dual-meet competition where the final score is tied, a tiebreaker system is now in place to declare the winning team.

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