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Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 6:46 pm
by Truesouthfaninhunt
What South is doing and has done at the State Tournaments the last ... Oh 20-25 years is not called " a run", but a dynasty of sorts.....
Huntington had " a run ".
And stop giving CM a first place vote! It's embarrassing. Let's have these team polls
grounded in some sort of reality!
I don't blame fans but for Pete's sake coaches should be more realistic.

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 8:57 pm
by Wrestling-fanatic19
Is the thread called Wsaz predictions or Souths Dynasty. I'm confused. Seems like no matter the topic someone comments about how ungodly south is.
I don't see Chris Jordan beating Blanton, whitemore , or Michael.

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 9:24 pm
by WvWrestling2
106- Wood -JM
113- Martin- PS
120- Humphries- StA
126- Henson-Uni
132- Jeffers-Hunt
138- Simpkins- Rip
145- Cox- Indy
152- Whitmore- CM
160- Jonhson-Hunt
170- Johnson- PHS
182- Delong- PS
195- Adams- Indy
220- Mills-Hunt
285- Stierwalt- Riv

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 9:54 pm
by TheCowboyKing
TrueSouthFanInPburg wrote:excluding out of state teams that i know nothing about, here i go (and oh by the way i have figured out bearhuggers 152 secret weapon out) it's none other than ripley's chris jordan. so i'll start with 152. 1-michael-ef 2-elliot-nm 3-jordan-rip (after sitting out 3 years he's getting better each time out and by state time he should be right there but he's not ther yet) nice try bearhugger but you can't get one by me. hit me up and tell me i'm right. 106-1-laya-ef 2-smith-pp 3-lusher-indy, 113-1-martin-ps 2-whorton-ef 3-sharp-gw, 120-1-humphries-sa 2-moore-roane 3-harris-indy, 126-1-seacrest-pet 2-robertson-green w 3-white-reoane,132-1-crewsden-sa 2-moore-gw 3-jeffers-hunt,138-simpkins-rip 2-richard-roane 3-atkins-sa, 145-1-cox-indy 2-harman-sa 3-ware-sa, 160-1-jones-gw 2-johnson-hunt 3-dunbar-south, 170-1-lambiotte-south 2-hart-indy 3-lucas-buff 182-1-delong-ps 2-holley-cm 3-white-pp, 195-1-allman-ps 2-adams-indy 3-pomeroy-riv, 220-1-holstein-riv 2-mills-hunt 3-daniels-indy, 285-1-wyke-oh 2-steirwalt-riv 3-haga-ps. these ratings are based on cm being without 106-mccormick who i would have 3rd, 152-whitmore who i would have 1st and 285-hicks who i would have 2nd.

How can you have Ware at 3? He got 8th at WC

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 10:14 pm
by Bearhugger
Looking at the many "top 3" predictions, I see another rooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-ude awakening at 138lbs.

Z FEVER....................catch it.

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:20 pm
by retoocs14
neither Delong or Holley will win 182 ;)

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:32 pm
by mattman
TrueSouthFanInPburg wrote:excluding out of state teams that i know nothing about, here i go (and oh by the way i have figured out bearhuggers 152 secret weapon out) it's none other than ripley's chris jordan. so i'll start with 152. 1-michael-ef 2-elliot-nm 3-jordan-rip (after sitting out 3 years he's getting better each time out and by state time he should be right there but he's not ther yet) nice try bearhugger but you can't get one by me. hit me up and tell me i'm right. 106-1-laya-ef 2-smith-pp 3-lusher-indy, 113-1-martin-ps 2-whorton-ef 3-sharp-gw, 120-1-humphries-sa 2-moore-roane 3-harris-indy, 126-1-seacrest-pet 2-robertson-green w 3-white-reoane,132-1-crewsden-sa 2-moore-gw 3-jeffers-hunt,138-simpkins-rip 2-richard-roane 3-atkins-sa, 145-1-cox-indy 2-harman-sa 3-ware-sa, 160-1-jones-gw 2-johnson-hunt 3-dunbar-south, 170-1-lambiotte-south 2-hart-indy 3-lucas-buff 182-1-delong-ps 2-holley-cm 3-white-pp, 195-1-allman-ps 2-adams-indy 3-pomeroy-riv, 220-1-holstein-riv 2-mills-hunt 3-daniels-indy, 285-1-wyke-oh 2-steirwalt-riv 3-haga-ps. these ratings are based on cm being without 106-mccormick who i would have 3rd, 152-whitmore who i would have 1st and 285-hicks who i would have 2nd.

You have Lambiotte over Hart at 170 and Allman over Adams at 195. ESPN gonna have a special "come on man" just for you. I respect yo backing your hometown boys but don't let it ruin your night if you see 2 major decisions or worse. There comes a time when you have to be real with yourself. Also I predict Whorton over Martin at 113. I have been wrong a time or two before but I feel confident on this one

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:37 pm
by Gator
I predict snow! I also predict that all the fans that get to watch all these great young men wrestle are winners too!

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:58 pm
by Wrestler220
Honestly 220 is definitely anyone's to win. I think Mills has my vote though. At 285, if Hicks from CM competes, I think it'll be between him and Stierwalt. I don't follow aa/a so there may be someone ive missed

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:02 am
by TrueSouthFanInPburg
I can't believe i forgot henson at 126, but i did. he would dsefinitely be # 1. sorry jackson.

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:08 am
by TheCowboyKing

How can you have ware at 3 in 145? He got 8th at WC.

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:09 am
by TrueSouthFanInPburg
I can't beleive I forgot Henson at 126, but I did. I woulde definitely have him # 1.

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:13 am
by TrueSouthFanInPburg
I can't beleive I forgot Henson, but I did. I would definitely have him # 1 at 126.

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:13 am
by TrueSouthFanInPburg
I can't beleive I forgot Henson, but I did. I would definitely have him # 1 at 126.

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:14 am
by TheCowboyKing
At first I put 3rd but I meant 8th.

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 5:14 am
by Truesouthfaninhunt
he is a south fan... So ya can't blame him....

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:01 am
by SuperCracker
I love it in this forum where people say this kid can't beat this kid or that kid cause it's great for fans on a opinionated basis. Kind of like scouting in other sports it's opinions on who is better than who but in this great sport it doesn't come down to opinion it comes down to head to head man to man and at that time on that day the better man wins. And the wrestlers read all those posts and it puts a little extra fire in the gut to compete as hard as they can to get it done.

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:54 am
by aaacoach82
Not sure if OAKHILL is going to WSAZ but if they do there 285 wins it, He be steirwalt of riverside at winners choice.

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:53 pm
by Frank
What did you say Oakhills heavy weight wrestles for two Hs teams. Ebonics

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:11 pm
by wrestlingfan23202
106- Laya
160- Jones
195-Adams (BY PIN)
220- Daniels
285- Hicks

That's my winners. And nothing against south I think they are a great team and have been for years. But nothing more I would like to see then South get upset by someone and I think INDY can do. Lets face it if Park South does a dual with Mason OH this year park south wont stand a chance. Mason is impressive!!!!! Adams a two seed is a little shocking I think he uses it as motivation....

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:29 pm
by Truesouthfaninhunt
I think that Mikey Shamblin might surprise some people ... Just saying.

Don't blame me... I'm a South fan.

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:41 pm
by TrueSouthFanInPburg
I forgot Henson, he would definitely be# 1 at 126

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 10:01 pm
by Tatum
There won't be any surprises at 138. No one can beat Simpkins from Ripley. Heard he looked amazing at Top Gun. Seems he is set for a big ending to his last year.

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 10:31 pm
by Bearhugger
Simpkins will win 138. However, there is another 138 that nobody is predicting will crack the top 3. However, this mystery man got some tough seeding.

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:41 pm
by TrueSouthFanInPburg
I forgot Henson. He would definitely be # 1 at 126.

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:44 pm
by Point fan
I've got safford at 182

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:46 pm
by TheCowboyKing
TrueSouthFanInPburg wrote:I forgot Henson. He would definitely be # 1 at 126.

What is wrong with you? Why do you just keep posting this?

Re: wsaz top 3 predictions

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 12:13 am
by rev
106- Laya(EF), lusher(Indy), stover(Hoover)
113-Whorton(EF),Martin(south) ReCrosio(Madonna)
120- Moore(Roane), Humphreys(SA), slack( riverside)
126-white(Roane) robertson(gw), henson( univ.)
132Crewdson(SA),Jeffers(Huntington),Moore (Roane)
138-Simpkins(Ripley) Reichard (Roane), Atkins(S.A.)
145-Green( riverside), Taylor (south), cox( Indy)
152-Blanton(jc),Michael(EF), whitemore(cm)
160-Shaw(Madonna), jones(gw), Morgan(Ripley)
170-Lambiotte(south),hart(Indy) ,Lucas(buffalo)
182-Holley(cm),Childers(Meade) Safford(p.p)
195-Adams(Indy), Allman(south), pomeroy(riverside)
220-Holstion(riverside), Daniels(Indy),hill(p.p)
Hwt.-Steirwalt(riverside) .....