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Wheeling Park Duals - After Action

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 2:34 pm
by Bearhugger
I was at the Wheeling Park Duals for all of Day 1 and the opening round on Day 2.

I tried to watch everybody, which is impossible. Here are some thoughts.

1. Musselman has some guy at 120 that is the real deal.

2. Cabell Midland's 160 Holley looks bigger, stronger and IN BETTER shape than he did last season. Keep up the extra work!

3. Ripley's Starkey is once again a web weaving octopus but seems to be staying out of trouble (not going to his back to attempt something).

4. Oak Glen has a young team that has a lot of promise. I hope these kids stay with it. OG has a few sleepers for the state podium too.

5. Wheeling Park has a bunch of bruisers up top. I can see the AAA race for second place being fun to watch in Huntington.

As more come to mind, I will update. If I didn't mention your school or wrestler, it is either because they are still winning like last season or I simply just could not be everywhere.

On a final note, we had at least three of WV's best AAA 160's at the Wheeling Park Duals and I do not think they faced each other in 9 matches.

CM's Holley went 9-0
John Marshall's Carmen went 9-0
Wheeling Park's Nash was there, but I have no information on his final two day record.

Re: Wheeling Park Duals - After Action

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 5:01 pm
by mike.carman
Nash went 9-0

Re: Wheeling Park Duals - After Action

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 5:16 pm
by Bearhugger
mike.carman wrote:Nash went 9-0

I kind of figured as such. Thanks for the confirmation.

Re: Wheeling Park Duals - After Action

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 6:27 pm
by soupbone
Bearhugger. I wish that I could have met you when you were at the Park Duals. I was the fat guy with a white beard attempting to run part of the tournament. I see many of your postings on line and it appears that you have a very good grasp on the wrestlers in WV. Perhaps I can meet you at the OVAC's . I usually sit with Jenny at the head table. Would also like to hook up with my old friend Gator. Sincerely, Soupbone!

Re: Wheeling Park Duals - After Action

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 9:06 pm
by Bearhugger
soupbone wrote:Bearhugger. I wish that I could have met you when you were at the Park Duals. I was the fat guy with a white beard attempting to run part of the tournament. I see many of your postings on line and it appears that you have a very good grasp on the wrestlers in WV. Perhaps I can meet you at the OVAC's . I usually sit with Jenny at the head table. Would also like to hook up with my old friend Gator. Sincerely, Soupbone!

Thank you. My "grasp" is due to my growing network of wrestling parents and fans. I would love to come to the OVAC, but I have to attend the WSAZ once again.

The OVAC people and the WSAZ people need to change up these schedules.

Re: Wheeling Park Duals - After Action

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 10:04 pm
by ZZChooseTop
Congratulations to University High on its third place finish! Another plaque in the ole trophy case!

Re: Wheeling Park Duals - After Action

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 1:19 am
by Bearhugger
Blake Miller of Preston was another I tracked down. He is legit!!!