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Buffalo High School - Where Tradition Meets Innovation

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 1:46 pm
by Bearhugger
Can you type?

You can make a difference if you...………...can...……………...type.

You do not have to be able to write perfect paragraphs.

You do not have to be able to spell.

But if you can type, then you can make a difference.

Buffalo High School started wrestling practice on November 14th. After a week, the team was shut down due to a "rule" that required filling a certain number of weight classes in order to have the team. This "rule" wasn't enforced in the past.

The word on the street is somebody complained to the BOE and they shut the team down.

Who knows what the Buffalo wrestlers had done in the off season to prepare???

Maybe some parents shelled out money for wrestling camps?

The bottom line is some kids showed up and went to work. They then got locked out.

I called Buffalo High School and got their recording. It said "Buffalo High School, where tradition meets innovation".

Actions speak louder than words. The wrestling TRADITION has been shut down and there was zero INNOVATION displayed on how to keep the wrestling team moving forward.

What if other schools follow the new Buffalo tradition and place quotas on their wrestling coach? Teams could start dropping like flies and it could wipe out regions.

Can YOU type??????????

Buffalo High School's principal is Mrs. Stilianoudakis. Her e-mail is

Send her an email even if it just says that you are disappointed.

The high school number is 304-937-2661.

The BOE contact is Brad Hodge 304-586-0500

You don't even have to be able to type. Can you take two fingers and peck?

Whereas the contact information above is public record, I hope all WVMAT moderators do not shut this message down. If so, then you are not helping wrestling any. In addition, I am taking this message to Facebook, thus it will spread outside of West Virginia and won't be shut down anyway.

I heard the coach quit. If the Buffalo herd sees the errors of their ways, then maybe he will come out of retirement?

I saw where Buffalo cancelled their tournament. So? The season hasn't even started yet. Plenty of wrestling to do before the end of February.

I recently saw a list that was something like "the top ten things a wrestler needs to do". The one point I remember was "if you cannot win, then make your opponent tired".

I do not know if we (the wrestling community) can win, but we can make the opponent tired..............if you can peck.

Lets all send some emails.

Re: Buffalo High School - Where Tradition Meets Innovation

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 3:07 pm
by timamos
Surely contracts have already been signed. Wonder what the buyout is for each of the events? Under these circumstances, I hope the non-defaulting parties hold Buffalo and Putnam County to their contractual obligation(s). May be cheaper to let them wrestle

Re: Buffalo High School - Where Tradition Meets Innovation

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 3:50 pm
by EASwrestling
E-mail sent!

Re: Buffalo High School - Where Tradition Meets Innovation

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 11:11 pm
by Jchap8750
Email sent

Re: Buffalo High School - Where Tradition Meets Innovation

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 1:22 pm
by mgr1980
Email sent

Re: Buffalo High School - Where Tradition Meets Innovation

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 2:49 pm
by brad32bury
Email sent

Re: Buffalo High School - Where Tradition Meets Innovation

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 4:17 pm
by EASwrestling
Come on Wrestling Community. Send some E-Mails!

Re: Buffalo High School - Where Tradition Meets Innovation

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 4:40 pm
by coach_williams
I actually emailed 2 days ago right after BH posted her email address and no surprise, I received no response. My guess is they will only care about the wrestling program if lawyers get involved.

Re: Buffalo High School - Where Tradition Meets Innovation

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 4:43 pm
by AAA2018
Same here! She probably isn’t taking the time to read them

Re: Buffalo High School - Where Tradition Meets Innovation

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 9:06 pm
by Bearhugger
AAA2018 wrote:Same here! She probably isn’t taking the time to read them

You could be correct. However, every email that comes into her inbox indicates a dissatified WV wrestling supporter.

I recall a match last season where a kid was down by 14 points with 10 seconds left. When the whistle blew, he powered up off the bottom, hit some move and his opponent went to his back and got pinned. He tried and he won. It was a 285 match that happened in Raleigh county.

Re: Buffalo High School - Where Tradition Meets Innovation

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 3:47 am
by KDunbar
coach_williams wrote:I actually emailed 2 days ago right after BH posted her email address and no surprise, I received no response. My guess is they will only care about the wrestling program if lawyers get involved.

I did the same thing and feel the same way about any chance for things to change. In essence, a local attorney would have to decide to help take up the battle, just on "principal" alone.

Re: Buffalo High School - Where Tradition Meets Innovation

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 10:58 am
by Monarch1996
What disturbs me most about reading this is that killing a program over something so silly is beyond short-sighted--even failing to mention the Nice kids from Magnolia or Rea from Weir. There are certain attributes that can be learned or earned in the wrestling room that cannot be found elsewhere.

I was fairly mediocre as a wrestler my 20 odd years ago at John Marshall. However, the program gave me unbelievable discipline and drive that helped to result in an appointment to the US Air Force Academy. Many schools are not looking for athletic excellence; top schools, like USAFA, are looking to see how well a kid balances school work, leadership, community involvement, etc.

I will send an email when I get home. I'm saddened and frustrated to read this.

Re: Buffalo High School - Where Tradition Meets Innovation

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 12:51 pm
by aacoach21
Would like to know the insight to the rest of their athletic programs and if they have the same requirements. Like track, cross country, do they have the same type requirements to field a team.