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Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:40 pm
by Sinlgelegfather
PHS vs. South Predictions

106: windland vs. G. Donahue. Donahue wins 7-6 Phs 3-0
113: Ackerman over Irizzarry Dec. 5-1Phs 6-0
120: Best Dec. Roberts 8-2 Phs 9-0
126: Martin major Dec Byrd 12-2 phs9 south3
132: Moler PHS Dec Shamblin 4-2 OT Phs 12 South 3
138: Donahue fall over Flinn PHS 18 South 3
145: Carder Dec. Flinn 3-0 Phs 21-3
152: hinzman South Fwll over Fox Phs 21-9
160:Dunbar South Dec. Nay 8-3. PHS 21 South 12
170 : Lambiotte Tf King. PHS 21-3 South 17
182 Delong by fall. Phs 21 South 23
195: Allman by fall South 29 Phs 21
220: Wolfe by fqll. South 35 Phs 21
285: Mccune dec. Haga. 3-2
Final: South 35 Phs 24

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 3:02 pm
by Truesouthfaninhunt
Sober up.. then try again. :D

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 3:20 pm
by guard0544
My prediction: South 49 PHS 15
106: Windland by dec. PS 3 PHS 0
113: Ackerman by dec. PS 3 PHS 3
120: Best by dec. PS 3 PHS 6
126: Martin by fall PS 9 PHS 6
132: Shamblin by dec. PS 12 PHS 6
138: Donahue by fall PS 12 PHS 12
145: Carder by dec. PS 12 PHS 15
152: Hinzman by fall PS 18 PHS 15
160: Dunbar by maj.dec. PS 22 PHS 15
170: Lambiotte by fall PS 28 PHS 15
182: Delong by fall PS 34 PHS 15
195: Allman by fall PS 40 PHS 15
220: Wolf by Forfeit PS 46 PHS 15
285: Haga by dec PHS 49 PHS 15

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 3:28 pm
by Truesouthfaninhunt

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 4:42 pm
by Gator
South 57 PHS 12

I usually don't do this, but will for this one. Just a little hint though, I heard PHS may be missing a good starter.

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 4:52 pm
by south supporter
Based on recent scores by PHS I would be shocked if that starter wasn't 120 John Martin Best.

If that's the case I am predicting the score gets ugly. 60-6 South if John Martin Best does not wrestle.

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 5:11 pm
by noshowjoe
45-18 if Best wrestles

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 5:21 pm
by TrueSouthFanInTampa
Does anyone know if there will be any live streaming of this?

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:05 pm
by SingleLegTrump
Biggest question: does South have more coaches than phs will score points?

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:54 pm
by Truesouthfaninhunt

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:43 pm
by SingleLegTrump
Gator wrote:South 57 PHS 12

I usually don't do this, but will for this one. Just a little hint though, I heard PHS may be missing a good starter.

WOW! This is very close. Also PHS did appear to outdo my biggest question!

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:26 pm
by Gator
PHS scored 12 points in the match. I heard they had 3 team points taken away on a DQ. I've never heard of 3 team points being deducted prior to this. Can anyone clarify?

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:36 pm
by ZZChooseTop
When in doubt ask the expert

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:37 pm
by TrueSouthFanInPburg
the day after phs beat south by 2 points with 5 of our starters out, i said we woulds beat them on jan 24th by at least 40 points. a lot of you guys out there said i was wrong or getting ahead of myself, bla,bla,bla. WELL SOUTH JUST WON 52-12 BY EXACTLY 40 POINTS ! HOW BOUTH THEM APPLES ! I GUESS ALL OF YOU CAN JUST START CALLING ME "TRUESOUTHFANINPARKERSBURG-THE GREEK" :lol: :D ;) 8-) :P :evil: :roll:

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:42 pm
by Gator
ZZChooseTop wrote:When in doubt ask the expert

So when you are pinned and then whack your opponent, it's 3 team points!

I've heard it all now!

Just to add, I'm not saying this to point out anyone, I've honestly never heard of the rule.

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:47 pm
by brentsams
Gator wrote:PHS scored 12 points in the match. I heard they had 3 team points taken away on a DQ. I've never heard of 3 team points being deducted prior to this. Can anyone clarify?

Rule 8-1-6

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:58 pm
by Bearhugger
So did the winning wrestler get his team +9 points basically?

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:16 am
by MaleMatMaid
TrueSouthFanInPburg wrote:the day after phs beat south by 2 points with 5 of our starters out, i said we woulds beat them on jan 24th by at least 40 points. a lot of you guys out there said i was wrong or getting ahead of myself, bla,bla,bla. WELL SOUTH JUST WON 52-12 BY EXACTLY 40 POINTS ! HOW BOUTH THEM APPLES ! I GUESS ALL OF YOU CAN JUST START CALLING ME "TRUESOUTHFANINPARKERSBURG-THE GREEK" :lol: :D ;) 8-) :P :evil: :roll:

Easy big fella...don't make the team you root for hated even more.

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:16 am
by MaleMatMaid
Bearhugger wrote:So did the winning wrestler get his team +9 points basically?

Essentially, yes!

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:32 am
by brentsams
Bearhugger wrote:So did the winning wrestler get his team +9 points basically?

The match started at 160 pounds where Dunbar dec. Nay.
Score: South 3, PHS 0

after the DQ at 170 pounds
Score: South 9, PHS -3

He didn't get 9 points for his team but it was a 9 point swing in the scoring, After being down 3 points, they were down 12 points.

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:40 am
by Truesouthfaninhunt
I am still confused... :(

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:41 am
by Gator
So the most points a team can score is 14 X 6= 84, but the other team could possibly get 14 X -3= -42 taken from them.

One team could beat another team by 126 points!

.......then there could probably be some points taken away for coaches misconduct!

I love wrestling! ;)

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:17 am
by vortexfan
SingleLegTrump wrote:Biggest question: does South have more coaches than phs will score points?

Actually I believe South has something like 10 to 12 coaches

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:46 am
by Panther_coach
It can happen that a team ends up in negative numbers. At a tournament Ky when I was coaching middle school a 20+ years ago, (15 weight classes in Ohio middle school then) we beat a team 90 to -7! It was an Ohio school that will remain unnamed. We won the first six by fall. (we usually had good little guys at Milton) In match #7, One of my kids caught theirs in a legal if unorthodox spladle from the standing position, turned the other kids high single attempt against him, spladle went to the mat, after the fall was called, the other kid punched mine and cussed the ref - flagrant misconduct and ejection. The coach then argued it was an illegal move and was ejected, the asst. coach cussed and then pushed the ref - ejected and removed by police. No more coaches - match could not continue without coaches so the last six matches were scored as forfeits. I did not ever list it as a school record for victory margin, of course! Not a memory to be relished - officers had to escort my wrestlers out after the event because the coaches and a few parents were in the parking area. Crazy, crazy event - never went back!

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:51 am
by TrueSouthFanInPburg
South actually has 37 coaches and 91 wrestlers,51 mat maids 25 score keepers, 19 managers, and 11 announcers.

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:48 am
by JennyHannan
He had already lost the match by pin, but was then disqualified, resulting in the same 6 points for South. Then, when it was ruled flagrant misconduct, 3 team points were taken at the end of the match.

As to some of the other subjects in this thread, one of my favorite lines from last year was when we were wrestling a home match on a Saturday, the last regular match of the season. There were only a handful of people in the stands and it was pitiful. The comment was made, "We have more coaches than fans." I snorted!

I was looking at the OVAC program this weekend, and one team has as many (if not more) matmaids as they do wrestlers!

And as for teams scoring in the negative numbers, South has won 3 matches over the years where our opponent has scored -1. Crazy!

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:44 am
by ZZChooseTop
Panther_coach wrote:It can happen that a team ends up in negative numbers. At a tournament Ky when I was coaching middle school a 20+ years ago, (15 weight classes in Ohio middle school then) we beat a team 90 to -7! It was an Ohio school that will remain unnamed. We won the first six by fall. (we usually had good little guys at Milton) In match #7, One of my kids caught theirs in a legal if unorthodox spladle from the standing position, turned the other kids high single attempt against him, spladle went to the mat, after the fall was called, the other kid punched mine and cussed the ref - flagrant misconduct and ejection. The coach then argued it was an illegal move and was ejected, the asst. coach cussed and then pushed the ref - ejected and removed by police. No more coaches - match could not continue without coaches so the last six matches were scored as forfeits. I did not ever list it as a school record for victory margin, of course! Not a memory to be relished - officers had to escort my wrestlers out after the event because the coaches and a few parents were in the parking area. Crazy, crazy event - never went back!

Would the score be -9 if all three were ejected?

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:56 am
by Mike Miller
Clarification, in the 170 lb match

The flagrant misconduct occurred before any fall could be called. Match was won by DQ, not fall and yes a deduction of 3 team points was issued.


Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 10:09 am
by Panther_coach
Maybe it should have been -9 but the ref said -7 and at that point I just wanted to get my kids out of there safely and was praying none of our parents and their parents got into it so I was not going to argue the point. Maybe the ref had not awarded them all when he stopped the match, I don't know. I was contacted by their versions of the SSAC (KY and OH) and had to write up what happened for both sides f them. It was awful. Plus it was not like my kid was cranking on it, the other kid did not seem in a lot of pain, cry out, etc. My guy just grabbed the leg, stepped behind the other and fell back. Ref called a quick fall. At the time, I was thinking it really might be illegal in the other state or the guy was arguing his shoulders were not down , etc. After it was all over, the ref said the guy was a new coach and had probably never seen a spladle. I get nervous just remembering the match!

Re: Parkerburg vs. Parkersburg South predictions

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 10:32 am
by south 77


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Unread postby SingleLegTrump ยป Tue Jan 24, 2017 6:05 pm

Biggest question: does South have more coaches than phs will score points? If there ever a heated situation between coaches we want to make sure we come on top. LOL