West Virginia State High School Wrestling Tournament, 1994-95

AA/A 189 Bracket

Scott McClendon-BD ------+
Fall 0:40             89 |Scott McClendon-BD ------+
Randy Harris-GRA---------+                         |
                          Fall 3:06            149 |Jamie Given-BRX--+
Jamie Given-BRX----------+                         |                 |
MajDec 11-1           90 |Jamie Given-BRX----------+                 |
Adam Goode-IND-----------+                                           |
                                                    Dec 9-2      283 |Mike Payne-BS ---+
Mike Payne-BS -----------+                                           |                 |
Fall 3:03             91 |Mike Payne-BS -----------+                 |                 |
Shad Martin-STM----------+                         |                 |                 |
                          Fall 0:22            150 |Mike Payne-BS ---+                 |
Jeremiah Miller-GRW------+                         |                                   |
Dec 6-1               92 |Jeremiah Miller-GRW------+                                   |
O.B. Smith-CAL-----------+                                                             |
                                                                      Fall 2:59    374 |Mike Payne-BS ---
A.J. Byrd-WIN------------+                                                             |
Fall 0:17             93 |A.J. Byrd-WIN------------+                                   |
Chad Ritchie-SS ---------+                         |                                   |
                          Fall 1:58            151 |C Anderson-CB ---+                 |
Robby Suarez-CAM---------+                         |                 |                 |
Fall 0:17             94 |Cliff Anderson-CB -------+                 |                 |
Cliff Anderson-CB -------+                                           |                 |
                                                    Dec 5-4      284 |C Anderson-CB ---+
Laramie Richmond-MB -----+                                           |
Fall 3:25             95 |Laramie Richmond-MB -----+                 |
Benji Parsons-SIS--------+                         |                 |
                          Fall 1:43            152 |Nick Lahman-PET--+
Nick Lahman-PET----------+                         |
Fall 2:56             96 |Nick Lahman-PET----------+
Ben Snider-WMS-----------+

                                                                      Jamie Given-BRX--+
                          A.J. Byrd-WIN------------+                                   |
                          Fall 0:57            253 |A.J. Byrd-WIN----+                 |
                                                   |                 |Dec 6-5      335 |A.J. Byrd-WIN----+
Randy Harris-GRA---------+                         |                 |                 |                 |
Dec 9-5              201 |Randy Harris-GRA---------+                 |                 |                 |
Adam Goode-IND-----------+                                           |                 |                 |
                                                    Dec 8-5      309 |A.J. Byrd-WIN----+                 |
                          Laramie Richmond-MB -----+                 |                                   |
                          T-Fall 18-1          254 |L Richmond-MB ---+                                   |
                                                   |                                    Dq           373 |A.J. Byrd-WIN-
Shad Martin-STM----------+                         |                                                     |
Fall 2:08            202 |Shad Martin-STM----------+                                                     |
O.B. Smith-CAL-----------+                                                                               |
                                                                      Nick Lahman-PET--+                 |
                          Scott McClendon-BD ------+                                   |                 |
                          Fall 2:59            255 |S McClendon-BD --+                 |                 |
                                                   |                 |Fall 2:34    336 |Nick Lahman-PET--+
Chad Ritchie-SS ---------+                         |                 |                 |
Dec 15-9             203 |Robby Suarez-CAM---------+                 |                 |
Robby Suarez-CAM---------+                                           |                 |
                                                    Dec 2-1      310 |J Miller-GRW-----+
                          Jeremiah Miller-GRW------+                 |
                          MajDec 12-2          256 |J Miller-GRW-----+
Benji Parsons-SIS--------+                         |
Fall 3:55            204 |Benji Parsons-SIS--------+
Ben Snider-WMS-----------+

                                                    Jamie Given-BRX--+
                                                    Dec 9-4      372 |Jamie Given-BRX--
                                                    J Miller-GRW-----+

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