West Virginia Wrestling


Review by Dr. Bill Welker, 2008 Master of Wrestling, Wrestling USA Magazine

February 10, 2012

Every so often a movie hits the screen that stirs the viewer's emotions. The Hammer is such a film.

Matt "The Hammer" Hamill's deafness at birth did not deter him, even as a child, to succeed in life. With the support of his family, young Matt was determined to follow his aspirations as a student, amateur wrestler and ultimately a UFC professional athlete.

Just learning how to read was a monumental task for young Matt. Most people don't realize that it is harder for a hearing impaired person to learn to read than the visually challenged. The blind have the advantage of hearing the words. Later, Matt, who was a lip-reader, had to learn "signing" if he wanted to academically survive in college. Another obstacle he overcame.

Matt Hamill was introduced to the sport of wrestling as a youth. It was very trying at first. The dilemma - he couldn't hear the whistle. But that changed abruptly once Matt could see the starting signal. And boy, did he catch on at both the scholastic and collegiate levels.

Believe it or not, Matt's deafness was also an asset. He could mentally prepare himself for each and every match without any distractions from his physical surroundings.

The Hammer is a must-see inspirational movie of individual perseverance transcending the many personal challenges that Matt Hamill had to face in life.

Matt "The Hammer" Hamill's story is not just about a champion on the mats, but a uplifting example that all things are possible when one diligently follows his dreams.

Note: You can purchase The Hammer at www.TheHammerFilm.com
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